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You’re Invited!

Escape the post-holiday blues with AIJA Miami’s Holiday Hangover Happy Hour, sponsored by TransPerfect Legal! Let’s unwind, share stories, and kick off the new year together. Hope to see you there!


Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Time: 6pm-8:30pm 


Location: Crazy About You

1155 Brickell Bay Dr #101

Miami, FL 33131

TransPerfect Legal empowers legal professionals to leverage AI, analytics and multi-language technology across eDiscovery, forensic consulting, due diligence, privacy, managed review and staffing projects. TransPerfect Legal delivers software and service solutions to every AM Law 200 and Global 100 firm, and the majority of Fortune 500 corporate legal departments. With offices in over 100 cities across six continents, TransPerfect Legal has a worldwide presence with a team of  global legal experts. TransPerfect is headquartered in New York, with regional headquarters in London and Hong Kong.